Recent publications- Megan Herting , PhD

Post: Recent publications- Megan Herting , PhD

Recent publications (2021):
Ambient air pollutants are associated with morning serum cortisol in overweight and obese Latino youth in Los Angeles. Environ Health. 2021 04 08; 20(1):39. Toledo-Corral CM, Alderete TL, Herting MM, Habre R, Peterson AK, Lurmann F, Goran MI, Weigensberg MJ, Gilliland FD. PMID: 33832509.
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Child physical activity as a modifier of the relationship between prenatal exposure to maternal overweight/obesity and neurocognitive outcomes in offspring. Int J Obes (Lond). 2021 Jun; 45(6):1310-1320. Alves JM, Angelo BC, Zink J, Chow T, Yunker AG, Clark K, Luo S, Belcher BR, Herting MM, Dieli-Conwright CM, Xiang AH, Page KA. PMID: 33731834.
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