The study consists of 2 separate clinic visits at our research clinic at USC. Visit 1 marks the beginning of the study. Visit 2 will take place about 12 weeks later.
At these clinic visits, we will test your DNA for one specific gene, perform an MRI of the liver, run a diabetes test, other blood tests, take special measurements of body fat. The participant will then be placed at random into either HEROES Group 1 or HEROES Group 2.
- HEROES Group 1 receives all of the nutrition education materials to take home at the beginning of the 12 weeks and has the option of meeting with a registered dietitian one time at the end of the study.
- HEROES Group 2 receives the materials in 4 separate, in-person sessions with a registered dietitian over the course of the 12 weeks.
By participating in this study, you will receive results of the diabetes test and some lab tests. You will learn how to make healthier choices that can help reduce your risk of overweight/obesity, type 2 diabetes, and fatty liver disease. You will also help us better understand how to treat some diseases that are common in the Latino community. Additionally, we offer monetary compensation for your time and effort.
This study is supported by the National Health Institute.
If you would like to participate or would like more information, please contact our study coordinator:
Yesica Corona
Office: 323-442-4102
Cell: 323-573-0102