Research Highlights

Category: Research Highlights

Context: Little is known about reproductive function in girls with youth-onset type 2 diabetes. Objectives: To characterize girls with irregular menses and effects of glycemic treatments on menses and sex steroids in the Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Youth (TODAY) study. Publication by Kelsey MM, Braffett BH, Geffner ME, Levitsky LL, Caprio S, McKay SV, Shah R, Sprague JE, Arslanian SA; TODAY Study Group.
Transcriptional analysis of brain tissue from people with molecularly defined causes of obesity may highlight disease mechanisms and therapeutic targets. We performed RNA sequencing of hypothalamus from individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), a genetic obesity syndrome characterized by severe hyperphagia. Publication by Bochukova EG, Lawler K, Croizier S, Keogh JM, Patel N, Strohbehn G, Lo KK, Humphrey J, Hokken-Koelega A, Damen L, Donze S, Bouret SG, Plagnol V, Farooqi IS. 


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